

Birthday time

This weekend was ERIC'S BIRTHDAY weekend! We started celebrating on Thursday by trying out "the best" italian in Richmond, Edo's Squid. It definitely did not disappoint! 

Liz, Katie and Izzy came to Richmond on Saturday and it was super fun! We tubed the James River for a good 3 hours, picked lots of apples up in Charlottesville at Carters Farm, and ate...a lot.
And UVA has pretty much the coolest campus, thanks to Thomas Jefferson.
I gave Eric some camping gear so get ready for some camping pictures. Happy 27th to this hot guy!


  1. Happy birthday Eric!!! We all need to go camping!!!!

  2. LOVE the Utes cup!! :) Happy Birthday Eric! U guys should "go camping" with us next time we go...we set up a tent in Jack's room, and you guys could set up your tent in our living room...ha ha, that is the extent of our camping:)

  3. Sal this is so fun to see!! I'm so glad you are doing a blog so that we can see the updates. Miss you guys already!

  4. looks like the perfect birthday weekend. We hope you had the happiest birthday ever! Sorry we could not call you on your b-day. It would have cost an arm and a leg. We will call you when we get back to the states. But for the time being....HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can I just tell you how happy it makes me that you two love pasta so much. It does not surprise me that you know the best italian restaurant in Virginia! When we come visit, I want to go there!
