

Richmond Lately

So its time for a little Richmond catch up.  This fall we:
  • Went to Eric's Dental Ball...
(not the best picture and not the funnest event either)

  • Have been faithfully going to our favorite farmers market in Richmond every Saturday. The doughnuts are the most amazing thing you'll ever put in your mouth.
  • Loved Richmond Restaurant Week. We tried two places this year. At Acacia our food was so delicious! It's probably too expensive for too small of portions, so Restaurant Week with the discounted price-fixed menu, was the perfect time to try it. The next one we tried was Mezzanine. The food was so good but the service was SOOO bad that we won't be going back.
  • Had a caramel apple night. (FAIL.)
  •  And put up our little mini Christmas tree! It might seem premature, but we go home December 15th  so now we can get some use out of it. All the snow talk in Utah is making us miss home!


  1. cutest catch up post. live your little richmond life! i want to try the farmers market donuts.

  2. Makes me miss Richmond! And you guys too of course…
